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Effective Executive Magazine:
How to Deal Effectively with a Change Thrust on You

A major change is thrust on you today. Do not go into shock. Do not react without thinking. Do not run out to buy a book on how to deal with change.


If you invest 15 minutes in thinking about three major changes you have dealt within the past, you will quickly assemble several useful ideas on how to deal effectively with the change you are facing today.

Far too often people, including me, act totally surprised when confronted with a major change. They get extremely emotional and forget they have been down this road before. It reminds me of when it snows six inches in St. Louis, which is where I live. All of a sudden every television newscast starts with a weather report and every radio program is interrupted with a weather update and every student is looking for a school closing. People act like they have never seen this situation before. I remember one time a guy called into a radio program that was looking for weather alerts to say, “There’s white stuff coming down. It’s called snow. It happens every year. We’re all going to be okay.” I just cracked up laughing.


How to Deal Effectively with a Change Thrust on You